Top 5 – Done Deals 2021

We decided to highlight the deals made by 2 or more members who cooperated together. We had some fantastic done deals this year, but those selected are the ones that represented the MAWW spirit of cooperation, sharing and customer service attitude between MAWW members the most.
Here they are:
(Click on the tombstone image for more information)
Members involved: Active M&A / FOCUS Investment Banking / JP Weber / MBA Capital / Fingeste
Client: Veternity
(Click on the tombstone image for more information)
Members involved: Active M&A / FOCUS Investment Banking / JP Weber / MBA Capital / Fingeste
Client: Veternity
(Click on the tombstone image for more information)
Members involved: JP Weber / Confidentus
Client: Alna Software (Management team)
(Click on the tombstone image for more information)
Members involved: Active M&A / Linkers
Client: Infraneo
(Click on the tombstone image for more information)
Members involved: Aeternus / Omnicap
Client: Wall!Supply
We truly believe that in 2022 we will have a much more extensive list of Done Deals between our members and that this will show just how strong our network is when we all work together for the same end.