Presentations at the Fall Convention

Robert Adams Presentation: In this presentation, we got to know how Focus Partner in Ireland adapted its business model to this new reality with the impact of Covid-19.
Giuseppe Sangiovanni (EEC IG Leader) and Kaine Smith (IST Group Leader) shared their experience as Industry Group Leaders. One group who were more content and report focused, and the other Group more deal focused – very interesting approaches.
Jens Moller presented us with the most recent project in MAWW: the Urgent Task Force. One joint initiative among members to give a response to those companies that want to sell quickly, due to the impact of Covid.
Candidates to The Deal of the Year Award:
The deal between Focus Bankers and Active MA
The deal between Rickitt Mitchell and Aeternus
And the Award went to our Lithuanian member, Confidentus. Congratulations on this great deal!