MAWW – 2020 Fall Convention

We are very pleased to announce that more than 85 M&A Worldwide members joined us on November 20th for the 2020 Fall convention.
The Chairman welcomed those present and announced that Jens Moller was the new elected Board Member, elected to replace the vacancy left open by Brian Higgins in September.
Jacques Jetten made a brief overview of the most relevant 2020 achievements highlighting our renewed statutory grounds, with new articles of association, house rules and respective schedules, industry group performances, Orbit, and the marketing structure we have worked on in 2020. The Chairman had the chance to share that it is now time to pull together, to bridge the gaps, and create better bonds and relationships among members. 2020 was a year focused on internal matters, causing at some points different points of view. This discussion among members was always very positive while showing the necessity for future discussion.
Jens Moller also shared the latest developments on the Urgent Task Force, after a period of consolidation. Jens Moller presented the recent work undertaken, the current group status, the marketing initiatives already in place (new brochure and website), and the main target profiles.
Two industry group leaders were invited to share their best practices. Kaine Smith and Giuseppe Sangiovanni enthralled those present with their interesting and useful experiences while leading their respective groups.
Robert Adams from Focus Capital Partners was invited to share how his company adapted its business model during these difficult COVID-19 times.
In every convention, the Deal of the Year nomination is always a remarkable moment. This year MAWW our Lithuanian member won the award with an outstanding deal done during these difficult times.
The M&A Worldwide 2020 Fall convention ended with an e-drink where people had the chance to chat and have fun and relax. The organization had asked members to have a funny background image, the funniest was selected by all those present and this time Vanessa Laird won the award.
Thank you all for being part of the MAWW family and we look forward to seeing you soon!