KM Rustfri A/S & Damstahl – Neumo-Ehrenberg Group

Industry Group: Steel, metal, and woodworking
Business Description: Fittings for the food processing industry.
Deal value: 5 – 10m
The Danish stainless steel wholesaler Damstahl a/s and the German manufacturing sister company Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH, together with acquired 90% of the shares in the manufacturing company KM RUSTFRI A/S. With this acquisition, Damstahl takes over 45% of the shares in KM RUSTFRI and thereby takes an important step towards the objective to win further shares of the market for fittings for the food and pharma industry.
With this new ownership, Damstahl gets direct access to KM RUSTFRI high-quality stainless steel products within fittings and deep-drawn parts for the food and pharma industry. Damstahl Director Michael Lund sees this as a huge possibility to utilize synergies, not just between Damstahl and KM RUSTFRI, but also with the entire global NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group, to which both Damstahl and Armaturenwerk Hötensleben belong. Beyond Damstahl’s stainless steel merchant activities, the NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group also consists of manufacturing companies within stainless steel flow components for production equipment within both food and pharma. Further to that, the group has high technological production of cemented carbide products and tools for the cutting and metal processing industry.
– We are well aware that our planned growth can only succeed by taking market shares, and completely new opportunities will be open to us with our ownership in KM RUSTFRI, as their competences are unique for this industry, Michael Lund states.
KM RUSTFRI A/S is an extremely acknowledged brand. Therefore, the company will continue operating under the same name and with unchanged conditions for employees and management. The parties involved share the absolute ambition for the present relations with customers and suppliers to remain unchanged
– The automatized production in KM RUSTFRI is the finest combination of technology and competent staff. Not only in Damstahl, but in the entire NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group we feel strongly about supporting and keeping local jobs, and therefore we will continue investing in modern technology to strengthen further the competitiveness of KM RUSTFRI, so Michael Lund.
– I look forward to experiencing how KM RUSTFRI, now been in my hands for ten years, with Damstahl and Armaturenwerk Hötensleben as new major shareholders will continue the positive development which will be to the mutual benefit and pleasure for all involved, supplements KM RUSTFRI’s present owner, Peter Espersen, who will keep 10 % of the shares in the company. On a consultancy basis, Peter Espersen will be attached to the NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group, contributing with his know-how and thorough knowledge of relevant technologies to the continued development of competences.
About Damstahl a/s
Damstahl is a solid, busy, and dynamic company. The total activities of the Damstahl Group also being present in Germany, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Finland, and Belgium, engage more than 300 employees.
With a turnover amounting to some 270 mills. EUR, Damstahl is among Europe’s leading suppliers of stainless steel. Innovation, high quality, and dedicated focus on customers and suppliers shall ensure the continued position as a market leader. Damstahl is part of the NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group, consisting of a broad range of industries and globally employing some 2,200 persons with a turnover amounting to some 550 mills. EUR.
About Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH
German Armaturenwerk Hötensleben has her roots as far back as to 1859 and has since 1992 been a part of the NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group. The company’s more than 450 employees produce components of highest stainless steel quality to the food, cosmetic, chemical and pharma industries.
KM RUSTFRI A/S produces high-quality fittings and deep-drawn parts in stainless steel for the food processing industry. The company is known for her expertise and high-quality products. Turnover of the company amounts to some 8 EUR, primarily sold to the European market. Today, KM RUSTFRI employs 85 persons.