M&A Worldwide > News > News > Cukierman & Co gladly joined M&A from November 20th to become the Israeli member
Cukierman & Co gladly joined M&A from November 20th to become the Israeli member

We are happy to announce that Cuikerman & Co joined our M&A community on November 20th to become our Israeli member.
Cukierman & Co. has a proven track record in assisting Israeli companies in expanding and providing access to capital markets.
The CEO – Haggai Ravid – represented Cukierman at the Convention and shared a brief presentation. Our new member advises Israeli and International companies on mergers and acquisitions. These are tailored to achieve their client’s business and strategic goals. The ability to complete cross-border M&A transactions is Cukiermans significant advantage. Over the years, they have completed M&A transactions with an accumulated value of US $4.1 B in Israel, Europe, and other countries.